Our Formation Story
The SOSVA Training and Promotion Institute (STAPI), was set up in 2007 as a Public Charitable Trust to strengthen the capacity and new leadership among Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working on different issues with an array of stakeholders at national, state, and district levels. STAPI was envisioned by Society for Service to Voluntary Agencies (SOSVA) as an extension that could take forward the pioneering work that the leadership had started to provide critical and much-needed support infrastructure to the voluntary organizations.
STAPI was engaged in conducting entrepreneurship training; vocational training and skill training in the areas of health – training of bedside assistants / hygiene technicians training in tailoring, making of nutritious food for aaganwadi children running of flour mill, goatary, poultry and spices making training.
Over the years the activities of STAPI have evolved in view of the changing context but in consonance with its mission and vision. Consequently, the organization has been recognized as a capacity-building partner by various national and international organizations for conducting various training and for the implementation of social development projects.

Over two decades STAPI has strengthened its ability to influence the direction of creating and nurturing new leadership by strengthening organisations' capacities and stimulating civic actions at the local, sub-national and national levels.
STAPI today has a competent team and strong relations with various networks and organizations across the state of Maharashtra. The overall leadership processes in STAPI have become more broad-based with the overall guidance of the Founder Managing Trustee and Board. The operations of the organization are being implemented by core team members working on interrelated themes across different locations in Maharashtra.
The overall governance model of STAPI is two-layered, with each programme unit having its own operational mechanism through a set of operational guidelines and processes supervised by a governing council. The second level of governance and oversight is provided through the STAPI board of trustees and the programme management team comprising the various programme leads. Administrative and programme development and fund-raising support are provided through the programme management team.
STAPI has also brought out several publications for voluntary organizations. It is making continuous efforts in inculcating good governance norms in voluntary organizations aiming at transparency and accountability in their functioning. Linkages; networking and tie-ups at district level STAPI as a nodal agency/mother NGO and as a capacity building organization has strong linkages and excellent network with several NGOs and their networks, with various government organizations at block, district, state and national levels.
Our Vision
A center of excellence for the development of human resources of the voluntary sector with a core emphasis on values of service volunteerism and professionalism.
Our Mission
To strive for the promotion of the voluntary sector, in general, and to build up the human resources of the sector in particular through training, consultancy, documentation, and research.