The SOSVA Training and Promotion Institute (STAPI), a non-profit organization founded in 2007,is committed to strengthening the capacities of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working on different issues with an array of stakeholders at national, state, and district levels. Since its inception, STAPI has been playing a positive role in shaping the mandate of CSOs towards strengthening their engagement with the under-privilege and marginal communities in India. Being a support service organization, the organization extends a range of services including capacity building and promotion of Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) towards qualitative and sustainable contributions to social development.
With a very constructive track record for the last 15 years, the organization has developed robust linkages with various district, state, and national level networks and alliances to strengthen the development agenda for the sector.

- Developed and offered multiple capacity-building modules on various aspects of Organisational Developments
- So far, we have added value to the organisation's development by conducting 376 training programmes for 8571 representatives of 3950 NGOs.
- We have reached out and capacitated 573 (Can Change) BPL youth on various livelihood-related skills from 8 districts of Maharashtra under Swarna Jayanti Swarojgar Yojana.

Agarbatti Machine operating Training at Murbipada

Agarbatti Making Training at Rautpada

All Self-help group Fertilizer Production Project from Fish Wastes on 22/10/2021

CAH Project Review Meeting at DISHA Kendra Block Karjat District Raigad on 9/1 /2021

Distribution of Medical Accessories to Open Jail Yerwada on 22/05/2020

Kick off Meeting with DAPCU Satara with members of CSO’s 05.02.2022

Kinner Asmita – Group Activity for Epic self Assessment workshop for organized development on 20 – 21 January 2022

Mrs. Vaishali Pawar conducting a session with Anganwadi Children on 10/11/2020

MVASSK – Group Activity for Epic self Assessment workshop for organized development on 30 August 2022 – 1 September 2022

Project Inception Meeting with Officials of District AIDS Prevention Control Unit Kolhapur at Kick off Meeting with DAPCU Kolhapur and members of Civil Society Organisations on 03.02.2022

Provided the Support as Educational aid – Cycle and Academic Books distribution to Bhumika Sadgir on 26.02.2022

Puneri Pride Foundation for Epic self Assessment workshop for organized development on – 29-31 January 2022

Rtn. Madhav Borate Past Governor welcome to Ms. Priya Patil for Transgender Protection Act 2019

SAHELI for Foundation for Epic self Assessment workshop for organized development on 9 – 11 February 2022

Shri. Rajendra Srivastava Senior Accounts Officer FHI 360 Mr. Sunny Bele Admin and Account Executive STAPI, Ms. Asha Bhat President Manthan Foundation distribute assets on 9/9/2021

Smt. Parinita Kanitkar Chief Executive Group discussion for Uddan Trust Member and Shri Vijay Nadkarni Executive Director & Governing Council Member STAPI on 23-25 August 2021

Street Play at Phena Pada, Bhiwandi on 11/11/2020

The food grains/dry rations, masks and sanitizers were provided to Saraswati Aanath Shikshan Ashram Dapodi District Pune 22/05/2020

Transgender Protection Act 2019

Transgender Protection Act 2019 group photo

Transgender Protection Act 2019 group photo

Vocation Training Conduct of 2 simultaneous batches in basic tailoring (26 trainee participants) and Quilt making (16 trainee participants) during 5/1/2023-12/1/2023

Vocation Training Godhadi Making Course – 5/1/2023 – 12/1/2023

Workshop for RISK Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) on COVID-19 vaccination for KP’s and PLHIV-PEPFAR American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Project on 25 -26 April 2022

Yogit Sadgir from village Khardi block Shahapur Started fruit selling on Thela Gadi on 3.3.2022
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Join us in our efforts to capacitate human resources from the under privilege sections of society through knowledge building, skill building, and networking with government, civil society, and the corporate sector.
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Our Affiliation
STAPI works in partnership with civil society, the government of Maharashtra and the communities to strengthen the development discourse. Our partners and network members are:
- Voluntary Action Network India, New Delhi
- Credibility Alliance, New Delhi
- Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (JSK), New Delhi
- Center for Advancement of Philanthropy, Mumbai
- Guide Star India, Mumbai
- Help Your NGO.com India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
- Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Maharashtra
- Alliance University, Bangalore
- I Volunteer India
- ELON University, North Carolina, USA

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